Friday, October 23, 2009

The Relationship of Acupuncture and Infertility

There are dozens of couples who may be infertile out there. And often times, these couples have tried every 21st century medical treatment that is being offered out there. This is not their fault if they have done so since almost everybody thinks that infertility is a new age disorder. Sure it may have been popularized in this era, but even way back, there are couples who have had the same dilemma. And so, after tiring from these new age treatments, it may be about time to look into the old or traditional ways, it is time to delve along the lines of acupuncture and infertility.

As the new age came in and since infertility is still a problem, doctors have looked into acupuncture and infertility as a means to resolve it. Even as mysterious as traditional Chinese medicine gets, some doctors who are not patrons of this form of treatment have started going in this direction since the forefront of western medicine alone can suffice.

Known to the Chinese population, acupuncture is a form of therapy that the ancient Chinese are using to battle diseases and as a means of therapy. Acupuncture has been around for almost five thousand years, but the efficiency of this therapy produces results. Research has shown that 70% of the quarter of the world’s population has gone through acupuncture. And acupuncture and infertility is dated back until 11 AD as a method of curing the disorder.

From a research of a doctor, he claims that acupuncture is normally referred to patients that have attempted one or several tries at IVF (invitro fertilization), and the doctor is trying to supplement the success of the treatment by pairing it with acupuncture to go beyond infertility. And this is even going beyond their western beliefs.

Acupuncture and infertility benefit from it because acupuncture assists with the regularization of menstrual cycle and once again ignite the sperm, but at the same time help the body reform back to its original state.

A process of acupuncture and infertility is inclined to rely on needless that are being pinned strategically on points that appear to be grid-like in pattern that begins from the head until the feet and around the body. The needles are focused to ignite key energy points in the body which are understood to balance out the bodies emotional, spiritual and mental aspects. And for women that are infertile, this is a good way to re-establish them.

Towards infertility, acupuncture may help a woman cross the line from infertile to fertile by allowing the body to move and regain its efficiency where in turn, allows the previous procedures to work faster and take effect. This is coming from a study of a hundred and sixty women who has undergone acupuncture and infertility. And its findings have proven that acupuncture does help a woman who has also been treated by IVF. In turn, this will allow the woman to become pregnant naturally and have that baby she has always wanted.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

'Being' in Action

Yesterday I had an acupuncture session scheduled for 6:30 P.M. On my way to my appointment I spoke to a friend and told her where I was headed. She asked if there was something wrong with me.

“There must be something wrong if you’re going to have acupuncture,” she said.

“Everything is fine,” I said. I was going to have a self-care, feel good, preventative medicine treatment and was very much looking forward to my session.

I bounded off the 6 train at 68th St. and Lexington Ave. and walked several blocks to the office of my gifted acupuncturist (who is also a good friend). I rang the bell and out walked Susan with a furrowed brow and a frown.

“I screwed up,” she said. Her regular Tuesday, 6:30 P.M. client, whom she thought was not coming this week, had shown up unexpectedly.

“He’s in there now. I didn’t know what to do. Can you wait until 7:30 and I’ll treat you then? I feel so stupid. I’m sorry.”

“Waiting an hour doesn’t work for me,” I told her. “Let’s talk tomorrow and reschedule.”

“Oh, Joe, I feel so awful.”

“It’s OK,” I assured her, knowing that my words may not soothe her.

I left the office as content and happy as ever. I spontaneously decided to walk north on 5th Avenue and give myself a chance to experience the sights and sounds there. What a gift! The taxis, buses, joggers, and dog walkers went about their business as I strolled. There was the Metropolitan Museum of Art without people or traffic in front of it, the Guggenheim Museum lit up and inviting me in to the Kandinsky exhibit, Central Park beckoning with the colors of fall leaves, doormen chatting on cell phones and hustling to help tenants with bags and kids.

“Look how this evening turned out,” I thought. “I’m so glad I took the time for this. This is my self-care session.” And off I went to Starbucks to sit, enjoy a cup of tea, and write.

“When you release expectation and allow your self to be present to what is, you marry mind and spirit. Giving your self a chance to ‘be’ is one of the greatest gifts you can ever give receive. What can you do now that is full of ‘being’?”


Are you feeling stuck, unmotivated, or lost in a sea of fear-based thinking?

There are still a few spots left for my 30-Day, Small Group Magical Manifesting TeleCourse. Details below.

30-Day Magical Manifesting TeleCourse

This five-session Law of Attraction Coaching Intensive is designed to help you break through self-imposed barriers, get you focused on your J.O.B. (Joyful, Outrageous, Bliss), build your Trust Fund, and create more of what you want in your life.

When: Tue., Nov. 3, 10, 17, 24, & Dec. 1, 8: 30-9:30 P.M. ET

Where: TeleConference Line (phone # given upon registration)

Your Investment: $150 when you register and pay by Oct. 20th, $215 after Oct. 20th (Fee includes daily, inspirational updates, a 1:1 On-Track session, and ongoing support throughout the course.)

Registration and info:, 917.609.5682

Today I am grateful to Susan for the opportunity to be in the practice of being, to the sights and sounds of a Fall evening in NYC, for my ability to say no, to Starbucks, morning laughs at the gym with the Diva of Harlem, thinking BIG, meditation, new business opportunities, my book agent, editor and publisher, Hay House Publishing and Radio.

Thanks and peace to all!


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Statutory Regulation Of Alternative Medicine: What Good Will It Do?

In the UK, statutory regulation of practitioners of herbal medicine and acupuncture has been advocated by a House of Lords’ Select Committee and by three subsequent Dartment of Health (DH) working groups as well as the vast majority of respondents to a previous DH consultation on this subject (the Pittilo consultation and report). The NIMH is strongly in support of statutory regulation of this sector. They feel that only statutory regulation of this sector can enable the public to identify qualified practitioners and maintain the availability of a full range of herbal medicines in herbal practice. The same discussion is going on in other countries, the Netherlands for example.

Is it true that statutory regulation will protect the public against the risks of alternative medicine?  Many people think not and we agree with them. The pitfalls and downsides of the suggested regulations have been aptly described in a submission that was sent to the Pittilo consultation. You can read it here. There is a summary on DC’s Improbable Science, as well as extensive information on the Pittilo report itself.

Monday, October 5, 2009

External Qi Healing Training part 1

What an enlightening and educational weekend!

There are 26 of us from all over the country that signed up to receive training from Master Chen in his External Qi Healing method.  I think I can safely say that everyone in the group will admit Master Chen is extraordinary.

It is hard to believe, but due to the political atmosphere in China, Master Chen would not be allowed to teach a lot of what he is teaching our class here in America.  We students are extremely lucky to be receiving instruction of a teacher of this caliber.  First off, there are not that many Taoist priests on the planet, and the majority of them live in China.  Of these few priests, little have had the extensive training that Master Chen has had.  Although I’m pretty sure he would not admit it, he is among the elite of his community.  Also hardly any of the Taoist Masters speak any modicum of English.  So for an American, who does not know how to speak Chinese, learning anything from a Master of Wu Dang is an absolute rarity.  But because of his command of the English language, Master Chen is easily understandable as a teacher.  He cracks jokes.  His style of lecture is animated, and he is easily approachable for questions.  The man is a walking library of Taoism, Chinese culture and Traditional Chinese Medicine. And the best part, he is more than willing to teach those who wish to learn from him.

And learn we did!  Most days Master Chen lectured for at least ten hours.  It was an amazing amount of information that I will likely be spending the next couple of months digesting.  We were also taught forms of Qi Gong that are not taught anywhere but at Wu Dang.  Needless to say, I have a lot of work ahead of me in memorizing these forms and putting them into my daily routine, but I look forward to the challenge.  When I get them learned, I guarantee that my own health and energy will be improved.

I am looking forward to learning more from Master Chen in December. This weekend was mind-blowing and we’re only getting started on the journey.  I will be sure to keep my blog readers posted on how I am progressing in this training, my struggles and my successes.  But I honestly believe that I will become a better practitioner through this training.  This of course means that my treatments will be more effective and I will be able to help more people.  That is the ultimate goal.

Anyhow, as I’ve said, I will be keeping you posted.  Please keep me in your prayers and positive thoughts, and I will continue to work hard so that I can be of better service to you all.