Friday, March 12, 2010

Listening to a beekeeping podcast regarding Apitherapy. That is theraputic bee stings.

Curently listening to a beekeeping podcast. Tonights topic is Bee Acupunture, also known as Apitherapy. Therapeutic bee stings, also known as Bee Venom Therapy. To listen in you can log onto the below link:

What is Apitherapy? Here are a few web sites on, what is Apitherapy:




All of the Wildlife Pro Network Beekeeping podcast are recorded. So, if you miss tonights podcast you can always listen to it by following the below link:

The Wildlife Pro Network Beekeeping podcast is on and live every 2nd Thursday of every Month. It is always informative and always enjoyable…it is also interactive. Interactive, because you can become part of the podcast. is the website that this podcast is made possible. is a free service where you set up a user Id and your phone number. When you join a podcast you actually call in and listen, (I usually mute my phone, while the speaker is talking), and you can ask questions by phone, or by typing your question in the text box, during the question and answer period. Sometimes the question and answer period is during the podcast, instead of at the end of the speakers presentation.


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