Underlying the material structure and physiology of our bodies is an energetic level. Our sensory perceptions of the material forms of our bodies and our surroundings are somewhat illusory: to our senses everything seems very solid and distinct, but actually what we are perceiving is mostly empty space with energetic connections. Our understanding from modern physics and ancient spiritual teachings is that what we term matter is interchangeable with energy and that matter is simply a more dense form of energy. Clinically we can view the material form of our bodies as a lower frequency version of our energetic nature.
Disease begins at the energetic level long before it can be detected physically, and healing usually begins at this same energetic level. When body energy is flowing correctly and in the right quantities, the chemical/structural aspects of the body come into alignment with the body energy and healing proceeds rapidly. We see this over and over in the clinic.
Our understanding is that chronic disease or pain states usually occur on an energetic level first; when these imbalanced states persist for periods of time ranging from weeks to years, a physical change occurs that reflects this. It is at this point that the Western Medicine diagnostic methods can usually identify the problem.
So many times patients have gone to Western medical doctors with various symptoms and been told that the lab tests do not show any problems. However, as time passes and the patterns become frozen into physically detectable forms, treatment becomes much more difficult. If imbalances are treated in their earlier energetic phases, balance is much easier to restore and most physical symptoms can be avoided. It is these energetic imbalances that we focus on discovering and correcting with our WholeHealth WellnessTM techniques.
Coming soon: The four predominant historical systems of Energy Medicine.
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